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How does this work and why I do it? My story... who's looking after mum?

Ok I’m going to let you into a secret. I’m an online fitness coach. Well you might have known that. But what is a coach? What value can I bring my customers – after-all I’m no fitness expert. I have a degree in molecular biology and work in a brewery. Why would people want me to help them?

My passion to help other mums. I've always felt like mums get a raw deal. Expected to look after everyone else selflessly, and it's time we recognised this as a society. Many couples have it right and maybe have figured out a way to parent and run the house in a 50/50 partnership, but so many of us are living with unrealistically high expectations put on us and may as well be living in the 1950's, despite many also having to also go to work. Mums are more likely to turn drink to cope and many mums end up on antidepressants. It's becoming an epidemic and its affecting the next generation.

My story....

I started off just like a lot of mums out there, feeling frazzled, putting others first, trying to spin too many plates, and gin O’clock became earlier and earlier every day and wine O’clock would go on later each night.

Sometimes drinking began as early as straight after getting the kids from school

As I burnt the candle at both ends, neglected to look after my physical and mental self and chose to escape using alcohol every night, I felt really out of control of my own life. I became really angry and bad tempered. The smallest thing would have me yelling at the kids. It wasn’t pretty and I knew I had to change. My self-esteem was low – the comfort drinking wasn’t the best for my waistline so I felt not only exhausted but fat and frumpy with it!

I knew I had to change and 2018 was going to be my year for a new me.

It meant making myself a priority.

This is not selfish. As a mum, how you behave can, no, WILL have a massive effect on your kids. I had noticed that they were copying my behaviour and were less patient with each other and were having tantrums (because I had no patience and was having massive tantrums myself). I believe the key to a happy home lies in a happy mum. 100%

And when I say mums, I’m not saying dads aren’t important and their happiness isn’t as valued. Mums are generally more often than not the main caregiver in most households. If you’re a stay at home dad who is doing the “traditional mum role” then you can count yourself as an honorary mum in this instance!

Anyway, New Year was fast approaching and I was without a plan for how to become the new better, slimmer, happier version of me who wasn’t so depleted. And without a plan it was looking doubtful change was gonna come. The thing that came to mind was to start some form of fitness programme, to alleviate my stress, give me some time to focus on me and to lose some weight and feel better and in turn I might drink less. However, I thought fitness wasn’t meant for me. I didn’t enjoy it, I couldn’t fit it into my busy life and I didn’t really want to… but I knew I had to change somehow.

I am not the sort of person who would have the time or inclination to get myself down to a gym. I have bought gym memberships before thinking it would force me to use them but the most I lasted was about a month. And that was before I had kids. I’m the sort of person who needs a personal trainer. I am an expert in coming up with excuses and procrastination is my favourite pastime. But as a mum, who put myself last when it came to spending money, I would never allow myself to invest in a personal trainer – and even if I did, what is 1 session a week going to do?

I spotted a post on Facebook talking of an exercise-from-home programme that would get real results. Of course I was sceptical but I was intrigued. The programme was 80 days long and you worked out 45-60 minutes for 6 days a week. Well, I figured if that was to happen it stood to reason your lifestyle and figure would change! I thought, even if I only managed 3 days a week that would be better than doing nothing and over time I would see a difference. My problem was that I knew that I would never do home workouts on my own. There are plenty out there for free on you tube, and I have several fitness DVDs bought over the years gathering dust. I knew that if I did try to go onto You Tube to find a workout I’d be more likely to get distracted by cat videos or how to make money from Amazon, than find a workout that was suitable.

I get distracted very easily and usually lose interest when the novelty of something new and shiny wears off.

After speaking with the lady she explained that you get a free coach with the programmes, that you actually get access to a whole library of programmes not just the one advertised (maybe I wouldn't get bored after all), and you are supported and kept accountable in a challenge group – a bit like if you go to the gym with a buddy. It was just what I needed. It had the flexibility that home workouts offer but with the accountability of a hiring a personal trainer 7 days a week - minus the price tag!!

This sounded like a real solution to my problems. Something I could fit into my life around my other commitments, something I didn’t have to travel to or be there at a specific time to partake in, and someone holding me accountable and that sense of community.

Nobody including my husband believed I could do it, but I did it. I lost a stone through that programme but it changed my life in so many ways.

On the left bloated and unhappy with anger and guilt issues. On the right, confident and proud of my achievements at such a mental and physical transformation

It increased my confidence. It changed the way I labelled myself. I went from a serial quitter to someone who finishes things! I stopped using drink as a crutch, I became less stressed out and more patient. Most importantly I stopped screaming at the children, our home became happier.

I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. This was what I had needed all my life! I wanted to spread the word and recommend it to other mums. I would’ve quit if it wasn’t for my coach and group of ladies who supported me in my journey so I want to give back and help others achieve the same.

And now that’s what I do, as a coach. I link people like me, up to life changing programmes. I recommend the best programme for them depending on their goals and keep them accountable and supported throughout.

I can recommend these programmes because I know they offer a genuine cost-effective solution to busy mums. I can recommend these programmes and this platform because I have tried these products and have had and continue to have results. It's the longest I've ever been able to maintain weight loss.

These photos were taken 6 months apart, 3 months after I finished my 80 day programme and still at the same weight!

But I hope people will chose me to coach them because I genuinely care because I've been there and I know what the struggles are.

It's about time somebody mothered the mothers.


Programmes start from about £3 a week. For more information email me

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